HCEC Teaches Young Students Life Saving Lessons
May 19, 2016

Emergencies happen. It could be a fall from a bike…a pot knocked from the stove….or a car accident. Would you know what to do? Harris County Emergency Corps (HCEC) helped some of our smallest accident victims prepare for when emergencies occur.
HCEC taught approximately 600 Thomas Gray Elementary school students’ lifesaving safety lessons, May 18, 2016. “We are so thankful to HCEC for putting this on. It is so important that our students understand that accidents happen, and learn what they should do and how to respond,” said Patrina Ross, Gray Elementary School Counselor.
The event was in conjunction with national Emergency Medical Services for Children Day, which is designed to raise awareness about the need to improve and expand specialized care for children in the prehospital and acute care settings.
It is part of EMS Week, May 15-21, 2016 which brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s “front line.” HCEC provided the students with several engaging activities including:
- It’s an Emergency. Students learned the difference between what an emergency is and what is not, and how to call 9-1-1.
- Stop, Drop, and Roll! Students learned about fire-safety measures and precautions.
- CPR. Students learned how to do chest compressions and rescue breathing on adult and baby-sized mannequins.
- Ambulance Tour. Students got an up close view of the inside of an ambulance and the lifesaving equipment medics use in emergencies.
- A Recipe for Safety. Using a coloring book, students identified unsafe items in a kitchen and discussed how to make them safe.
- Disaster Hero: Using a high-tech holographic simulation gameshow, students learned skills needed to prepare, survive and recover from a natural disaster and talked about making an emergency plan.