HCEC Provides Young Students Exposure to Careers in the EMS Industry
May 16, 2016

Hundreds of local elementary school students are gaining early exposure to the world of work. HCEC medic Sue Poparad talked to students at Thomas Gray Elementary School about the EMS industry and her job as a medic on April 13, 2016.
“Career day is great for elementary kids because it shows them early in their academic careers the importance of learning,” Patrina Ross, Gray Elementary School Counselor said. “Many young kids behave well in school and do what they are told because they want to live up to the expectations of the adults in their lives. We want them to see that the expectations we set should not solely be met because we said so,” she said.
Exposing young students to the world of work can broaden their perspectives and spur them to more interesting and productive careers. Sue talked about medics’ responsibilities, other careers available in the EMS industry, the variety of calls she responds to, and the equipment she uses to treat patients.
She also gave them a tour of the ambulance and a brief explanation about all the lifesaving tools inside. The event gave the students an opportunity to talk about their futures and ask questions about how to become successful.